• 17 Feb 2025:  
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OilTools Services

Directional drilling services company


OilTools Services takes a firm stance on communicating, training, and enforcing proper health and safety practices both on and off the well site. Our safety initiatives include but aren’t limited to:

  • Behavioral Job Safety Analysis for every job performed
  • Company-wide monthly Safety Training Programs
  • Safety recognition and critical thinking initiatives


  •  Zero HSE accident on rig site and workshop.
  • Holding internal training on weekly basis.
  • Arranging external training
  • Safety meetings weekly and after each job.
  • Toolbox meeting every morning to discuss the operation and plan for the rest of the day.
  • Following stop card observations, and implementing them.
  • Achieving and Implementing, OHSAS 18001
  • Routine medical check up for employees
  • OTS employers every year take courses:
  • Industrial safety of workers at hazardous production facilities
  • Occupational safety and Health
  • H2S
  • Fire Safety Minimum

We believe safety is the responsibility of every individual at the scene.

With the support of our leadership and employees, we abide by comprehensive HSE and Quality Management Systems which solidify our commitment to OilTools Service’s core values and enforce our accountability to safe practices.



Today, advancements in machinery, technology, and safety requirements are rapidly reshaping the way field operations are carried out. To stay at the forefront of the latest OSHA practices in oilfield safety, we routinely conduct safety audits in the shop and in the field, so we can fulfill our promise of always delivering reliable, uncomplicated service to our customers.


Process Safety

At OilTools Services, causing no harm is always our priority and we accomplish this by managing both personal safety and process safety risks. Process safety is focused on identifying major hazards and implementing and maintaining barriers to prevent catastrophic events.

Risk Assessment

We conduct risk assessments to identify the barriers necessary to reduce the risk of a catastrophic event to a tolerable level. We recognize three types of barrier elements that work together to make up our barrier system. Each barrier element must be implemented and maintained to effectively manage process safety risks:




 People Barrier Element



Plant Barrier Element



Process Barrier Element


Our Operational Assurance Program

Our operational assurance processes are in place to verify that our barrier elements remain healthy

  • Self- Verification - a process of ongoing verification tasks performed onsite by rig-based personnel with barrier health accountabilities. This process includes assessing the health of safety-critical assets and verification of Life Saver topics through dedicated processes and checks.
  • Oversight – supervisory verifications performed by both rig-based and shore-based leadership; includes Critical Area Verifications conducted by heads of departments and other line-level supervisors on the rig. Also includes verification of compliance with Life Savers.
  • Audits – consist of rig management and Business Unit audits of rig operations. Includes the corporate “Core Value Team” who conduct fleetwide audits against Operational Assurance Program protocols to drive continual improvement.

