• 27 Jul 2024:  
  • USD 1$ - 474.83 ₸
  • EUR 1€ - 515.38 ₸
  • RUB 1₽ - 5.5 ₸
  • WTI - $
  • URALS - $
  • BRENT - $

OilTools Services

Directional drilling services company

Coring services

OilTools Services provides coring service

  • Core recovery in vertical and directional oil and gas wells applying one-or two-unit core barrels using fiberglass, steal and aluminum inner core tubes.
  • Study of geological conditions and selection of the best core recovery technique.
  • Supply of various types and sizes of PDC and Impregnated core heads.
  • Engineering support and guidance of coring procedure on drilling site.