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OilTools Services

Directional drilling services company


Integrity, high ethical standards of business conduct and responsibility form the basis of OilTools Services business operations. The continuous development of our operations and practices are an important part of our everyday work. The OilTools Services way of doing business is based on the solid ground of high ethical standards as communicated by the OTS Board of Directors and senior management. OTS operations are guided, among other things, by OTS Ethical Code of Conduct and related guidelines and policies, international treaties, laws and regulations in force in each market, practices governing export permits and agreements that we have executed with our customers and with other stakeholders.


Abiding by the OTS values, especially the highest ethical standards, enables us to provide our stakeholders with added value, be trusted as an attractive, transparent and professional business companion and increase our attractiveness as an employer.


OTS Ethical Code of Conduct forms the basis of ethical decision making and business conduct of all OTS employers, directors, officers, temporary workers. Each and every one of us at OTS bears responsibility for following the Code and related guidelines and policies. OTS's Ethical Code of Conduct is available in several languages. OTS also expects its business partners to conduct their business at least on the level of compliance with similar principles and requirements.


OTS Ethical Code of Conduct booklet is available at  an attached document